The weekend started off good, with us taking the kids to ski school and Heather and I skiing for an hour or so before we went to the church to help with the "Parents Day Off". The day was long watching all the kids at church then helping clean up afterwards, but we have left our kids there on a Friday night before and thought we ought to help out.
Saturday night/Sunday morning was a different story though. I woke up around 0300 and puked my guts out, or so I thought. I continued to get up about every half hour about 5 or 6 total times until I knew for sure I had puked my guts out. I felt terrible all day Sunday and stayed home while Heather and the kids went to church. I managed to hold down a little bit of Sprite and then some soup that night.
Today I stayed at home to recover and to keep from spreading it at work. One of the ladies at work has a little girl with cancer and she can't take much of any kind of sickness without a trip to the hospital. Boyd was coughing really bad last night so he stayed home from preschool with me while Heather went to work and then to school to help Isaac's teacher. I feel better now but I'm still kind of weak and a little dizzy.
I have attached a few pictures of the kids getting ready to ski last weekend and Boyd after a full day of skiing. The other pictures are of it snowing this morning outside of our apartment window. It has snowed around 4" so far.
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