I tried hunting for coyotes or bobcats on Saturday. I only made two stands. The first was in an area that is fairly close. I didn't walk too far from the truck because I found bobcat tracks in the snow and thought it looked as good as anywhere. No luck. There are mule deer all over the place in this area that have came down from higher elevations for the winter. I saw around 20 deer. One decent sized buck, two small forkies that were pushing each other around and a bunch of does and yearlings. There were a few people parked nearby that were walking the area. I believe they were looking for mule deer sheds. I would have walked farther if I had known they were there.
The second area was just east of State Bridge along the Colorado River. I walked up what looked like a small ridge to call over the other side from the road. It was a lot taller and steeper than it looked and I was sucking for oxygen. I probably sounded like I was dieing. The first two pictures are my view from the ridge. If you look hard at the second picture you can see the road heading east to Kremling along the upper Colorado River. When I got back in the Tahoe and headed toward McCoy, I watched a Bald Eagle that landed along the Colorado fishing. When I got back on the road, I hadn't drove a couple miles when I had a Golden Eagle fly over me. I had never seen a Golden Eagle before. They are bigger than a Bald Eagle.
The third picture is from the road facing west. I was driving on the Colorado River road heading west toward Burns. There are some beautiful ranches in some of the big valleys along the Colorado.
The last two picture are along the Colorado River Road between Burns and Dotsero. If you haven't already figured it out, the road runs right along the Colorado River from McCoy to Dotsero. You can see how red some of the mountains are here and how the Colorado has cut through the land.
Although I didn't hunt much, I still enjoyed the drive and seeing lots of new country. I ended up seeing around 30 mule deer, the two eagles, and a herd of around 30 elk while on my way home just off the side of the interstate on the west side of Avon next to the Arrowhead golf course.
Just got to check out your blogspot & think it is a really neat way for you to share your new life and experiences in CO.
Looks as if the kids are really enjoying the snow & ice. (I bet they don't get out of school for just 1" of snow like they do here)
Hopefully before season is out you will get to to close in on a nice bull.
Looking foward to seeing you guys in the Spring. I plan to check back from time to time to see whats going on out there.
Take care,
Jasson, Glad someone finally posted a comment. Kids are loving the snow and there is no days off for snow here unless something drastic happend. The season is actually over for me, but there are a few guys out hunting for a late season cow. I'm just out trying to call in a coyote or bobcat. I would really like a bobcat, but we'll see.
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