We made it out skiing for a couple hours today. It was a beautiful day except for the wind. It was terrible up toward the top of the mountain. The wind was more than the kids could stand. It was a mistake on my part to take them up to the top today. Isaac and Olivia did want to go back up for a couple more runs on the lower slope, but Boyd had endured all he could. We decided to go on home and beat the masses to the bus ride down to the parking lots.
The pictures show the Gore Range on the skyline to the north. The mountains up closest in the background are just above town and you can see how they don't have much timber on them down low close to town. I'll probably elk hunt next season in some of the timber that can be seen in the background since it is fairly close to town.
The building in the pictures is a little more than half way up the mountain. It is called Spruce Saddle Lodge and is a big restaurant with cafeteria style lines. They have quite a few different selections of severa types of food. It is the same place I got the $18 cheeseburger/fries and coke. It is pretty good food but too expensive for us to stop in and eat. We packed peanut butter crackers and granola bars in our coat pockets along with bottled watter.
I've been invited to a SuperBowl Party with some of the guys from church, but Heather didn't sound too excited about me leaving them to watch football. I'm not too interested in the game anyway. Besides, were planning to take a drive tomorrow to Leadville to check gas mileage and distance to a couple places. We may take the fishing equipment and give Turquoise Lake a short try for some rainbow and lake trout, but I don't think it can be a very serious fishing trip with the whole gang along.
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