I finally took
Bow's picture down from my cover photo.
Remi has now taken his spot in our home, but Bow has not been forgotten. I was more attached to Bow than the rest of the family was and it is probably the same with
Remi. It is incredible how much a part of our lives they become in such a short period of time. We had Bow from late Dec. 2007 to early July 2008.
Remi is now just as much a part of our every day life as Bow was. These are a few of the photos I took of Bow during his short life.

The above photo was take while Bow was still w/his litter in Nov/Dec 2007.

This was just after Bow came home with us the weekend before Christmas 2007.

We did routine walks in the snow at Turquoise Lake. My snowshoe tracks can be seen in the photo. Bow is 13 weeks old in this photo.

Our walks during the week were at night. We were walking in the snowfall at Turquoise Lake in this photo.

This was
Bow's first and only exposure to birds (quail) on our April 2008 visit to IL. I took him over to Wendel Wright's house in
Paducah and let him get his first smell of a game bird. Needless to say, he liked what he smelled. I was pretty proud of him on this day.

These last two photos were taken in late June a couple weeks before Bow died. We took our walk at Twin Lakes and Bow did several water retrieves. He was a retrieving fool.
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