Elk Hunting Above Treeline

Elk Hunting Above Treeline
12,000 ft at Dusk

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Today's walk

We will be following Julie Knutson's training methods for training Remi. One of the most important steps is "The Walk" in the field. Not down the road, not on a leash, no voice commands, just a continuous walk keeping my mouth shut and paying attention to the dog. Both of us eventually learn a lot about one another, it builds confidence in the dog and he learns to hunt.

Today was our first walk near the headwaters of the Arkansas River just south of Leadville. Remi has started out at my heels, except for the few bumpers I tossed for him. Through a continuous effort of going on "The Walk" daily, he'll build the confidence needed to venture out ahead of me, learn to use his nose to hunt, learn how to find birds and won't have to depend on me to point him in the direction of the birds.

"Happy" bumper during today's walk.

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