Elk Hunting Above Treeline

Elk Hunting Above Treeline
12,000 ft at Dusk

Friday, August 1, 2008

New Puppy

Where are all the kids you promised?

Lounging in my office.

A little more lounging.

Your kicked back too!

He doesn't care for the flash.

Not the flash again!

Taking a nap at my feet.

Those shoes look mighty tasty.

I picked the new puppy up on Thursday, July 31st. He is starting to adjust to his new surroundings and follows me around like, well......a lost puppy. The kids and Heather made it safely to IL last Friday, so the kids have no idea that I've got a new puppy here. It will be a big surprise when they get home from their visit.

The new puppy's name is Remi and he's 16 weeks old tomorrow. He doesn't replace Bow, but he sure makes me happy. He does some of the same things Bow did and I have a hard time not calling him Bow.

The last photo is under my computer desk in our basement (note the 70's carpet that will be replaced in a couple weeks). When Bow was a puppy he would curl up under there when I was on the computer.

1 comment:

Lisa Wilson said...

Your kids are going to flip out!! I added your blog to my blogroll. You should get Heather to join the Peace Love and forums!