Elk Hunting Above Treeline

Elk Hunting Above Treeline
12,000 ft at Dusk

Sunday, August 31, 2008


Saturday was the first day of the Colorado archery season for elk and deer. I have both tags, but elk would be my main goal with deer second. I hunted with a friend and killed my first elk, a bull, at a few minutes after 7 AM. Not only did I kill my first elk, but my buddy managed to get my video camera turned on and caught most of the action on film. The bull was a 4x5 and would not be considered a "big" bull, but he looked great to me. I couldn't be happier with him.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Highline State Park Camping

We went with our church to Highline State Park on a weekend camping trip. We go every August, so this was our second trip. The weather was nice, but a little cool for the kids swimming. I did get Remi into the water there and there is no doubt he's a water dog.

I took several photos at sunset after working with Remi. There is nothing more beautiful than a Colorado sunset.

The fishing photos are from a little lake south of Leadville named Crystal Lakes. The fish are all "stockers", but I'm sure there are a few big fish in the lake. The geese are while I was fishing the little lake.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Today's walk

We will be following Julie Knutson's training methods for training Remi. One of the most important steps is "The Walk" in the field. Not down the road, not on a leash, no voice commands, just a continuous walk keeping my mouth shut and paying attention to the dog. Both of us eventually learn a lot about one another, it builds confidence in the dog and he learns to hunt.

Today was our first walk near the headwaters of the Arkansas River just south of Leadville. Remi has started out at my heels, except for the few bumpers I tossed for him. Through a continuous effort of going on "The Walk" daily, he'll build the confidence needed to venture out ahead of me, learn to use his nose to hunt, learn how to find birds and won't have to depend on me to point him in the direction of the birds.

"Happy" bumper during today's walk.

Friday, August 1, 2008

New Puppy

Where are all the kids you promised?

Lounging in my office.

A little more lounging.

Your kicked back too!

He doesn't care for the flash.

Not the flash again!

Taking a nap at my feet.

Those shoes look mighty tasty.

I picked the new puppy up on Thursday, July 31st. He is starting to adjust to his new surroundings and follows me around like, well......a lost puppy. The kids and Heather made it safely to IL last Friday, so the kids have no idea that I've got a new puppy here. It will be a big surprise when they get home from their visit.

The new puppy's name is Remi and he's 16 weeks old tomorrow. He doesn't replace Bow, but he sure makes me happy. He does some of the same things Bow did and I have a hard time not calling him Bow.

The last photo is under my computer desk in our basement (note the 70's carpet that will be replaced in a couple weeks). When Bow was a puppy he would curl up under there when I was on the computer.