Boyd skied quite a bit last year and the lessons at Beaver Creek were quite a bit more advanced, so he is normally well out ahead of his class. They skied twice this week on Tuesday and Wednesday to make up for a missed day. They had a different instructor on Tuesday than normal. When the instructor here asked his name and he said "Boyd", she said "The infamous Boyd, I've heard about you". I joked with him and told him a couple years we wouldn't have to buy passes because all the lifties would be saying "hey, here comes Boyd". The second photo looks more like a train wreck than a ski lesson, but I think some of these kids had never skied until this year.
The next set of photos are at the house. The snow overhanging the roof is now gone. I spent yesterday evening on a ladder w/ a snow shovel getting as much snow as I could from the ladder. The snow was about 30"+ near the gutters. Today the sun was out and the rest of it all slid off.
The biggest mounds of snow are from the roof and shoveling the driveway. We've had a lot more snow than that fall, but after it sets and the sun comes out it consolidates. Its still deeper than waist deep and I've almost lost control of the driveway. The kids have made a sledding hill from the top of the shoveling mound through the yard into a hole in the front yard. They also spent part of the day monday climbing the tree in the back yard and jumping into the snow to almost bury. They've been told not to do that any more, but Heather had to get a couple pics first.
The photos from the tree in the backyard was on Monday when school was cancelled. We had around 10" of snow, but school was closed because the bus barn had a gas leak and they couldn't start them for fear of causing an explosion.
The sabertooth and unicorn. I think Isaac looks more like snotsicle man.
Bow is growing and is now around 18 wks. He has become a handful lately. He stole a whole burrito off of the counter last week and eat it before I got upstairs. He doesn't get to eat table food, so he made a big mess in his kennel that night (if you know what I mean). It wasn't pretty.
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