Elk Hunting Above Treeline

Elk Hunting Above Treeline
12,000 ft at Dusk

Friday, June 22, 2007

Pictures from last weekend

Last weekend we went to the Frisco Barbecue Challenge. We had some good barbecue, but I don't think the event is as good as Paducah's Barbecue on the River. Isaac did get to climb a rock wall, they ran through an obstacle course and Heather got to eat a funnel cake, so they had a little fun in the midst of the huge crowd and hot sun. After the barbecue we drove up to Berthoud Pass which is located on the northern boundary of the unit I can hunt sheep in this October. We didn't get to see any bighorns, but I am more familiar with some of the access now.

The lake pictures were taken from the north side of Turquoise Lake, which is just north of Leadville, looking across the lake.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

2007 Hunting Prospects

I have gotten all results in on the 2007 Big Game Seasons. The following tags have been drawn or will be purchased over the counter:

DEER - Either Sex Unit 44 Archery (Aug. 25 - Sept. 23)
ELK - Over the Counter Either Sex Archery(Aug. 25 - Sept. 23)
BIGHORN SHEEP - Ewe Unit S32 Rifle (Oct. 2 - Oct. 11)
ANTELOPE - Doe Units 6, 16, 17, 161 Muzzleloader (Oct. 21 - Oct. 27)
ELK - Unit 35, 36 Late Season Cow Tag Rifle (Dec. 1 - Jan. 14)

I also plan to buy an archery Bear tag, but they are first come first serve with a cap and go on sale July 9 at 9 am. I have a sticky note on my computer at work, so I dont' forget to call at 9 on the dot. The season runs from Sept. 1 until the end of archery elk and deer, so it will be a "just in case" tag. Never know when an opportunity may present itself.

I'm unsure about getting to hunt with the antelope tag, due to the possibility of taking the PE in October, but I thought I would get it just in case and dad will be bringing me a muzzleloader when they visit in September. I will be hunting with my bow during the Bighorn Sheep Ewe hunt, but will cary a rifle for the late season cow elk hunt. If I dont' fill a freezer this year, I'm going to be disappointed. Eric says I must have a very understanding wife. He's right! How else would I have gotten to move to the mountains of Colorado.

If Mom and Dad come out during the deer and elk muzzleloader season, I hope to talk dad into letting me buy him a leftover deer or cow elk tag. I'm not sure what tags will be available, but I can find something for sure. I'll then have to find a waterhole or something for him to take a stand at that isn't too far from the trail/road.

The kids are almost done with school (June 15th). They had to go late this year due to starting late at the Charter School. They will change schools next year and attend a couple blocks from our house in Leadville, so getting them to school will be much easier. I got the cabinets all in on Monday and now need to install the countertop and kitchen sink. The bathroom work will be soon to follow along with new baseboards.

We may go to the "Frisco Barbecue Challenge" on Friday night and see how CO barbecue events compare to Paducah's "Barbecue On The River". It's unlikely there will be better barbecue there, but I've never met a rack of pork ribs I couldn't make close friends with. So if we go, I plan to be good and sticky by the time we leave.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Summer in the mountains

Heather just called and it is snowing in Leadville. Probably not sticking, but snowing. Other than the snow today, the weather has been nice. We have to run the heat at night but it hasn't been kicking on during the day. The house is still a wreck, but we are gaining ground on it. I started hanging new kitchen wall cabinets last night and will continue tonight. I
may drive to the Lowes in Glenwood Springs this evening to pick up a new gas range. We pulled the old range out and set it in the back yard to haul off. I have as much to haul off as we hauled in. I hope to have the inside mostly in order by the end of this weekend, so I can start making a few outside improvements to the yard, fence and house exterior. There is a lot of work to do.
The first two photos were taken from our front yard looking over the top of the neighbor houses at Mt. Elbert and Mt. Massive. They are both hiding in the clouds. Both are over 14,000 ft elevation, with Elbert being the tallest. Mt. Massive however, has the largest area above 14,000 ft of any 14er in the state. The last photo was taken Monday from HWY 24 just before reaching Leadville. The two previous mountains would have been to our right. The picture does not do the rainbow justice.

We went to the Edwards skate park on Sunday, while Heather had a church meeting. The third and fourth photos were snapped at the park. The kids love the skate park, and I believe Isaac will eventually be a really good boarder. Boyd will likely be right behind him. Olivia may be a little timid for it, but she may suprise us all.
David and Gretel will be flying out to visit on July 6 and staying about a week. Heather and the kids along with David and Gretel will then drive back to IL for a couple week visit. After her visit, David and Gretel will drive back with her then fly back home.
Now onto more important information. I have drawn several tags for next season. The following are what I've drawn so far:
Late Season Rifle Cow Tag - Dec. 1-Jan. 14
Archery Deer Tag - Aug. 25 - Sept. 23
Bighorn Ewe Tag - Oct. 2 - 11
I will also buy an archery elk tag that runs concurrently with the Archery Deer. I am also waiting to see if I drew a Muzzleloader Antelope tag for late October. I have yet to shoot my knew bow since I brought it home and I have a lot of scouting I need to do. I may need to quit my job.