Its been running low to upper 40's at night here in Leadville and every morning I can smell the spruce and sage brush. It smells like hunting season is upon us. And thank God it is. The following photos are from the last several weeks. Enjoy!
Here is a 6 point elk shed that Heather spotted while we were driving through the aspens down the mountain I plan to elk and deer hunt on. There have probably been a hundred people drive by it since spring that thought nothing more of it than an aspen branch. I was pretty exited that Heather spotted it.
I found this skull on the opposite side of the same mountain while scouting for deer and elk the week before finding the shed. There were only a few other bones around and it was at about 10,000 ft. Considering the elevation, I don't think it was a winter kill. More than likely it was an unrecovered hunter kill from last season or a mountain lion kill. It is just a decent muley without much mass, there are a lot of muleys like this one on this mountain. I won't hesitate to kill one this size, but I would like to find a bigger buck since I know this mountain has them.
This is the mountain I'll be hunting the first couple weekends to try and fill my deer tag with a big buck. I hope to kill one coming out of these steep draws in the mornings or going into them in the evening. I've been seeing elk there too, so maybe I can take one of them home also.

To top off the fantastic views, I was able to find a big group of ewes and lambs. Since I have a ewe tag, I was exited about finding them. Hopefully they will be there after the early season hunters get done. I can't hunt until October 2nd.

Boyd and Olivia at the museum in Denver.

This is a bridge I drive over on Hwy 24 every day of the week. The road beneath it goes to Redcliff.

This is a view of Mount Massive from Leadville. Our neighborhood is just down the hill and to the right in the picture.

This is a view over our neighborhood from the same location as the previous photo. If you look hard you can see our house before we painted. It is located behind and to the right of the red roof. It is the beutiful mint green w/gray roof, or as Gretel called it "Starnes BBQ Green".

This is a photo of the house in the evening after I finished trimming the new garage door. I still have painting to do, but it won't stop raining. It actually snowed above town, above 11,000 ft, just south of town today. I'm sure it will be gone tomorrow, but it was neat to see snow above timberline in August.

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