Elk Hunting Above Treeline

Elk Hunting Above Treeline
12,000 ft at Dusk

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cabin Fever!!!!!!!!

2007 IL Turkey
2007 IL Doe
2008 CO Turkey

2008 CO 4x5 Bull

2008 IL Doe

2008/2009 Late Season CO Cow

Bow season has long since passed, late elk is over, turkey isn't quite here yet, and it is too early to get out scouting for anything. Besides the occasional predator hunt or fishing trip, I'm pretty restless this time of year. I've been looking through my hunting photos and thought I'd post some of them up. Most have bee shown before, but I'm showing them off anyway.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February is more than half over

It is hard to believe that March is almost here. I'll be 39 in March, so I've only got one more year in my 30's. I hope 40 to 50 doesn't fly by as fast as 30 to 40 has, but I'm sure it will.

Mom and Dad will be here to visit in less than a week (Feb. 24) for 10 days. I'm exited about them coming. I hope to get Dad out fishing a couple times on the ice and one of the rivers. Mom is hoping to see it snowing, so maybe we'll have a big storm while they are here. I should be able to show them plenty of elk. There has been several hundred of them south of town.

Turkey season will be here before too long, so the wheels are starting to turn planning out locations to hunt. I don't have any new photos worth posting, but I'll have some of my completed basement bedroom/bathroom by next weekend. If I get dad out to look at the elk, I'll try to get some of them also.