We are well into summer here in the mountains. In fact, it will be fall before we know it.
We've worked on the house quite a bit, but have decided to hold off again on listing it for sale. We'll probably be sorry about March next year, but that is life at 10,000 ft.
The CBA Jamboree is this weekend and we will be camping Thursday (tonight) and Friday. David and Gretel will get here on Saturday and then Heather, the kids, and the grandparents will drive to CA to visit Heather's Aunt Betty. When they return the following Monday they will stay here until Friday and then drive to IL to visit. They will follow Mom and Dad back here to CO on the 18th of August, so they will be in IL almost 3 wks.
I'll try to get in plenty of elk scouting and bow shooting while they are gone, along with a little fishing, but I'll be one lonely guy and will definitely look forward to their return.
Elk season won't be long after they return (Aug. 28th). I don't have any photos of elk, but I've got plenty of NE turkey photos from our May hunt. I'll let the photos do the talking.