Elk Hunting Above Treeline

12,000 ft at Dusk
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
We drove to KS last friday and picked him up Saturday morning. The drive out was awful in 40 mph cross winds and snow. I was beginning to believe the storm was a hint to turn around and forget about a dog, but we made it there and back safely. We had stopped there on our way back to Colorado from our Thanksgiving visit and told the kids I knew the people and wanted to visit. The kids had played with the 7 males from the litter of 11 puppies. They thought my "friends" just happend to have a litter of puppies.
When we pulled into their drive Isaac remembered it was the house with the puppies and they were all hoping the puppies were still there to play with. Olivia said, "I bet the two with the blue and green colars are already gone." They had no clue the green colar was to mark our puppy. We went in the house and our puppy was inside waiting for us. We let the kids play with him for 10 or 15 minutes before Heather asked them if they wanted to take him home. It took us almost as long to convince them that he was our puppy and was going home with us and that he was ours when they played with him the first time. From there all the way back to Colorado was a never ending argument over who got to sit in front of the kennel that Bow was riding in.
So far he has been a good puppy. I've been using the kennel to house train him and I think he is going to catch on pretty quick. I've been reading several books on trainging pointing labs, by the way he is a pointing lab, and have started the early stages of retrieving. He loves to chase after the bumper and bring it back, but only give him a little and then put it away while he is still exited about it. We'll see how it goes, but I think the only thing that will hold him back will be my patience for training.
I have several Christmas photos of the kids to post, but haven't downloaded them to the computer yet. I'll get them up in the next couple days.
Happy New Year!
Monday, December 10, 2007
Dec. 8 and 9 th

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Thanksgiving in IL

Boyd and his "wohawk".

Olivia and Uncle Bubba.

Grandpa, almost asleep from listening to Dad.

Eli after a hard day of Christmas shopping.

We had a great trip home over Thanksgiving. The trip seemed short due to all the driving it required, so we plan to make the trips a little longer in the future if possible. I got in about four hunting trips and was only rained out on one. I killed the doe the first morning I went. Olivia got to go with me on my last hunt and her favorite part was watching a group of does run when they saw us. That wasn't my favorite part. Olivia counting down the last five minutes after I told her "only five more minutes" made me laugh and was my favorite part of the hunt.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Pictures from this falls hunting